Be the hero your dog thinks you are and read up.
Wikipedia - Intensive animal farming
The Humane Society - Improving the Lives of Farm Animals
ASPCA - Animals on Factory Farms
Farm Sanctuary - The Issues: Factory Farming
Sentient Media - Farmed Animals: The Exploitation of Animals on Factory Farms
Vox - Why the US egg industry is still killing 300 million chicks a year
PETA - Are Backyard Chickens Kinder?
The Intercept - Hidden Video and Whistleblower Reveal Gruesome Mass-Extermination Method for Iowa Pigs Amid Pandemic
Wikipedia - Animal consciousness
Animal Sentience - An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling
New York Times - Dogs Are People, Too
Psychology Today - Pigs Are Intelligent, Emotional, and Cognitively Complex
Psychology Today - Cows: Science Shows They're Bright and Emotional Individuals
Psychology Today - The World According to Intelligent and Emotional Chickens
Psychology Today - Slaughtering Sentience: There's No Reason to Eat Turkeys
Smithsonian - It’s Official: Fish Feel Pain
Science News - Study: Farm-raised salmon suffer from depression
The Guardian - Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth
The Guardian - What is the true cost of eating meat?
Food & Water Watch - Food System
The UN Food and Agricultural Organization - Livestock’s long shadow
The UN Food and Agricultural Organization - This huge collection of data
The Guardian - Millions of sea turtles dying in fishing gear, report warns
The Guardian - Dumped fishing gear is biggest plastic polluter in ocean, finds report
BBC - Confessions of a slaughterhouse worker
Time Magazine - We Need to Rethink Our Food System to Prevent the Next Pandemic
Farm Sanctuary - An Unjust Food System
Environmental Health Perspectives - CAFOs and Environmental Justice: The Case of North Carolina
The Business Insider - The meat industry is hiding a dark secret, as workers at 'America's worst job' wade through seas of blood, guts, and grease
Sentient Media - Profit Over People: The Meat Industry’s Exploitation of Vulnerable Workers
Oxford Study - Sustainable eating is cheaper and healthier
Harvard Health - The right plant-based diet for you
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine - The Power of a Plant-Based Diet for Good Health
BBC - Are there health benefits to going vegan?
American Heart Association - Vegetarian, Vegan and Meals Without Meat
Forks Over Knives - How a Vegan Diet Impacts Diabetes
Nutrition Facts - Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death
Journal of American Heart Association - Plant‐Based Diets Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Incident Cardiovascular Disease, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and All‐Cause Mortality in a General Population of Middle‐Aged Adults
Time Magazine - We Need to Rethink Our Food System to Prevent the Next Pandemic
New York Times - Stop Mocking Vegans
Fast Company - This documentary wants to convince you to be a vegan … some of the time
BBC - Why black Americans are more likely to be vegan
Bloomberg - Sales of Vegan Bacon Are On the Rise as More Brands Hit the Market
Vogue - ‘I Have Lots of Friends Who Eat Animals. They Know My Views.’
Vox - The next pandemic could come from factory farms
The Guardian - Which animals should be considered sentient in the eyes of the law?
Psychology Today - A Universal Declaration on Animal Sentience: No Pretending
Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
Why Vegan? By Peter Singer
The Best Vegetarian and Vegan Cookbooks, According to Vegetarian and Vegan Chefs
I Can Cook Vegan by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
But I Could Never Go Vegan! by Kristy Turner
Going vegan
The Vegan Starter Kit: Everything You Need to Know About Plant-Based Eating by Neal D Barnard MD
Never Too Late to Go Vegan: The Over-50 Guide to Adopting and Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet by Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman and Virginia Messina, MPH, RD
How Not to Die by Michael Greger M.D.
The Vegan Society
Forks Over Knives
HappyCow: Find Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants Near Me
Veganuary - Vegan Starter Kit
Purple Carrot - Plant-Based Meal Delivery
Vegan Outreach - 10 Weeks to Vegan
Vegan.com - Fast Food Restaurants with Good Vegan Options
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The reality for the vast majority of farmed animals, even the ones who are deemed as having lived in humane conditions, is that they never see sunlight until they are on a truck headed to a slaughterhouse.
"Factory farming causes billions of animals to suffer every year, but they are not the only ones paying a heavy price. Animal agriculture accounts for a large percentage of the greenhouse gases associated with climate change. Waste from factory farms also makes its way into the air and water supply, poisoning rural communities."

"The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife."

"Extra Chicks for Warmth: In order to assure that your birds arrive healthy and happy, we use a custom-designed chick shipping box, adjust ventilation holes, add heat packs when needed, and time our shipping for access to the most airline flights. Adding extra male chicks (free of charge) for warmth is another option. If you do not want us to add extra chicks, please let us know when you are ordering."