Think "dog meat" could drive real change? Us, too.
The response to Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat has been overwhelmingly positive. One reason is that it starts vegan conversations in a non-confrontational way; this also keeps the focus on the animals.
Below, you'll find various dog meat tools for your activism. Just click the button to be taken to that section on this page. And no—you don't have to take super bold, intimidating actions. Find the activism that speaks to you!
Note: We're still building this part of the site! If you have any additional ideas for us to add, please reach out.
For all the animals,
If you can get us the ad space, we can deliver the creativity. Billboards, newspaper ads, school sponsorships, etc. Contact us below or donate to a future ad!
Ready to do a dog meat tasting in your neck of the woods?
Animal Friends Croatia - Dog Meat Tasting in Zagreb?
Texas Animal Freedom Fighters - Legalize Dog Meat
BlogTo - Toronto park-goers shocked to be offered dog meat samples
Elwood's Organic Dog Meat - Vegandale booth
Free materials
Zip files: Free sample signs, booth banner, event posters, menu, Elwood images & logo
Check out all the free downloads: Brochures, posters, business cardS, AND MORE
General Tips & Guidance PDF
We get many requests to make Elwoods in different languages, from fans who want to share it to volunteers who want to make it. We can't wait for Elwood's to be everywhere!
Where we are right now
The American version of the homepage and breeds page have been translated into multiple languages (you can see these in the drop-down menu of these pages).
And since the cowboy logo is very American, we have immersive pages for specific countries are in the works. These "local" pages will have their own name, cuisines, and cultural touchstones to make the content seem believable for those regions. Visit our family farms around the world: Brazil - Finland - France - Germany - The Netherlands - Norway - Spain
Where we want to beWe're seeking activists with web/social/content creation skills—and the time needed!—to create these immersive pages in their own countries. It's up to you how in-depth you make this—whether you want to create and manage social pages, email responders, etc., or if you simply want to make the homepage as a standalone experience. (If you simply want to create it and hand management off to another activist, we should be able to work that out!)
If we do work together, we'll ask you to post a line at the bottom of the page in your language; something like "We are an authorized international member of Elwood's Organic Dog Meat; however, all dogs are produced locally near you."
If you are interested in this, please contact us to work together!
Can I just copy the site and do this on my own?
No, and that's for a few reasons:
We'd like to retain creative ownership of this massive project.
We're already working with volunteers to create authentic versions in their countries, so we don't want to have duplicate pages.
We want to ensure the page looks good and matches our approach.
Benefits of working with us:
Access to a fully created Wix page to translate and build out (we will create a mirror and assign co-ownership to you, though you can build one with whatever tool you prefer)
Free, legal use of Elwood's stock images
A proven user journey that works
Guidance for engagement (building auto-responses for the site and social media)
Elwood's list of resources, the FAQ, etc.
Funding for a few things as needed (logo design, um... maybe other things?)
Raw design files of printables to use/translate as you see fit.
Support from us and other Elwood farmers who are building their own pages
Elwood's will share your website and social posts
Creative support/feedback from us if needed
And what do we get out of working with you?
Content for social media (we want to share about your farm!)
The ability to say Elwood's is in X number of countries
If you use the Veganuary link tied to Elwood's, we can use those numbers to support the idea that Elwood's Organic Dog Meat is making a difference
The ability to give you feedback (if you let us!)
We get "coworkers" because dog meat farming is lonely
Want to work on this together? Reach out to us!
And—of course: You're fully welcome to make your own non-Elwood dog meat website in your country on your own (this also goes for your cat/zebra/human baby meat farm). We just ask that you not copy our words, layout, or images. Many thanks!
Avec les messages sur les réseaux sociaux, essayez de ne pas immédiatement mettre en colère ou décourager les gens. Cela peut signifier ne pas "montrer votre main" dès le départ. Soyez subtil, ambigu et doux pour rendre les gens curieux et intéressés à en savoir plus.
Voici quelques recommandations pour faire réfléchir les gens :
Partagez le site Web. Répondez aux comptes de médias sociaux ou aux publications qui font la promotion de la viande ou de l'agriculture animale avec des messages sur Elwood Dog Meat, avec un lien vers notre page principale ou notre page de races .
Rendez vos messages doux et non conflictuels. Le but est de rendre les gens curieux et de vouloir en savoir plus. Par example:
"Est-ce réel?"
"Cela me rend tellement fou."
"Avez-vous vu ça? C'est sauvage!"
« Vous avez entendu dire qu'il y a une ferme qui fait la même chose mais avec des chiens ? elwooddogmeat.com . "
" J'ai entendu parler du même problème agricole ! Cette ferme en parlait : elwooddogmeat.com ."
Il est facile de marquer des points bon marché et de se moquer des gens, mais nous ne pensons pas que cela aide la cause. Évitez toute communication qui rende évidente votre intention et évitez d'être cruel. Par exemple, évitez d'écrire des réponses comme, "Ça te plairait s'ils tuaient tes chiens comme ça ?"
Les moments de Gotcha font du bien, mais il est difficile d'en revenir et d'avoir un dialogue ouvert sur le véganisme. N'oubliez pas : malgré leurs actions, ces personnes sont des amoureux des animaux et vous leur montrez quelque chose d' extrêmement bouleversant. Être doux avec eux crée de la place pour des conversations significatives .
Placez nos cartes, affiches ou autocollants Leave Behind sur les babillards communautaires. Pour les audacieux, nous avons aussi des chemises et des sweats à capuche et d'autres choses (BE SAFE OUT THERE!). Encore une fois, le but est de lancer des convos.
Vous pouvez trouver tout le swag ici .
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